Kimberly McLean
Of Counsel
As Of-Counsel for TBillick Law, Kim brings over 20 years’ experience in patent prosecution and other IP experience. Before working in patent law, Kim was a design engineer for Texas Instruments. Thereafter, she worked as a patent examiner for the U.S.P.T.O. for eleven years. It is this experience that gives TBillick Law clients a unique advantage to getting patent applications approved. Throughout her career, she has worked on patent applications covering electrical, mechanical, and software engineering related inventions; as well as design patents and business method patents. Since she’s been in private practice, she’s also registered copyrights, performed trademark searches, filed applications for trademarks, negotiated and drafted licensing agreements, and assisted in litigation.
Education and Licenses
B.S., Electrical Engineering, Morgan State University
M.S., Electrical Engineering, Binghamton University
J.D., University of Baltimore