This post was originally published on Microsoft’s stock price and market cap increased by 50% in 2023, thanks largely to the company’s partnership with OpenAI and its big lead in artificial intelligence. But The New York Times says Microsoft is profiting...
In the intricate world of intellectual property (IP), disputes can be as complex as the innovations they involve. TBillick Law PLLC stands at the forefront of guiding clients through these challenging legal landscapes. This post explores how TBillick Law PLLC adeptly...
The Supreme Court’s recent decision involving the estate of Andy Warhol and photographer Lynn Goldsmith sparked a new debate within the realm of copyright law. The 7-2 ruling primarily revolves around the fair use doctrine, a legal concept permitting the use of...
Intellectual property disputes in Seattle and throughout the United States can be highly complex and difficult to manage. For example, even if it may seem very common, it is important to understand that exploitation of another individual’s creative work without...
When it comes to intellectual property disputes, the first thing you need to understand is what intellectual property is. Intellectual property is any original creation of the mind, whether it’s a design, invention, literary work, or anything else. This can include...
A design patent protects the ornamental appearance and overall design of a product. As per 35 U.S.C. § 171, design patents protect, “any new, original, and ornamental design for an article of manufacture.” Having a design patent gives its an owner the ability to use,...