Intellectual Property Blog
How to Reduce Your Patent Filing Costs
How much does it cost to file a patent? That tends to be a loaded question that is riddled with various factors. Are you referring to just the patent application? Are you including patent lawyer fees? If cost is an issue, you may be wondering how to reduce the costs...
How Long Does it Take to Get a Patent?
Many entrepreneurs think the process of obtaining a patent is long and tedious. How long it takes to get a patent depends on several factors. While getting a patent could be complicated, it can be made much simpler when you work with an experienced attorney who...
Factors That Affect the Cost of a Patent
As an inventor, one of the first things to consider when protecting your invention is filing for a patent. The cost of patents varies for every creation, idea, concept, and product. One of the biggest factors that influences the cost of a patent is legal fees. Legal...
How Many Patents Are Enough?
If you own a business and have created a product, you may already know that it's no minor accomplishment to obtain a utility patent. If you have encountered utility patents, you've probably had to overcome claim rejections and respond to at least one office action. If...
Trademarks vs Copyrights: When you need to invest in getting additional protections
When it comes to registering a trademark vs. copyright, how do they differ? When is it appropriate to register one or the other? Protection by a Copyright Copyright, rather than protecting a slogan or name, protects an original creative work (i.e., painting, film,...
Key Differences Between Utility And Design Patent Protection
If you have a product idea, logo, business name, creative work, slogan, etc., it’s importan to familiarize yourself with the differences between copyrights, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets. The information below will take a brief look at the differences...
Racism’s Impact on Innovation
Why laws aren’t enough, and what we can do to improve access to intellectual property protection and development I was going to write about a lighter topic for a first post. But I was inspired to discuss something a little deeper after listening to an interview of Dr....
Gaming Patent Ruled Invalid, Directed to Ineligible Subject Matter
On May 21, Niantic (developer of hilariously addicting games Pokemon Go and Ingress) invalidated portions of Barbaro Technologies, LLC’s US Patent No. 8,228,325 (the “325 Patent”) on an interactive virtual thematic environment in U.S. District Court for the Northern...
Invention Incentive Programs
What to consider as you encourage and monitor innovation in your company I won’t belabor why you should create an invention incentive (“patent bounty”) program. Let’s assume you’ve already made that decision. Now what? What Might the Company Be Entitled to Receive?...